Dwelling Fire

Apply for your policy online

To apply for your policy online, please have the following information available:

  • your selected coverages
  • credit card or bank & routing information to pay for your application deposit
  • insured information and any additional interests

Note: You will not be able to save the application and return to it at a later time, so please have all information available. To see all information required to submit an application, you can see a printed version of the Application for Dwelling Insurance .

Submit Dwelling Fire Application

If you'd like to apply by mail, email, or fax, please download

The information below is a means to provide a summary of the Dwelling Fire product.  However, please see a Producer to help determine the coverage selections that would meet your needs.

What kind of coverages can be selected for a Dwelling Fire policy?

Basic DP 01 - Must enter a limit for either Coverage A or Coverage C, unless applying for standalone coverage.
Coverage NameIncluded Limits
Dwelling (Coverage A)N/A
Other Structures (Coverage B)
10% of Coverage A included
Personal Property (Coverage C)
Rental Value (Coverage D)
20% of Coverage A included
Additional Living Expense (Coverage E)

Optional Coverages - Select as many optional coverages as you'd like to apply.
Coverage NameRequested LimitsCoverage Options
Ordinance or Law10% 10% of one of the following:
  • Dwelling (Coverage A)
  • Improvements, Alterations and Additions Tenant and Co-Op Unit Owner
  • Building Items Condo Unit-Owner
Automatic Increase in Insurance
Assisted Living Care Coverage

Loss Assessment Property Coverage

Permitted Incidental Occupancies

Structure Not Rented to Others

Structure Rented to Others

Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants

Windstorm or Hail Coverage - Awnings, Signs, and Outdoor Radio & Television Equipment

Improvements, Alterations, and Additions Tenant and Co-Op Unit Owner - 10% Coverage C included

Building Items Condo Unit-Owner

Basic DP 02 - Must enter a limit for either Coverage A or Coverage C, unless applying for standalone coverage.
Coverage NameIncluded Limits
Dwelling (Coverage A)N/A
Other Structures (Coverage B) 10% of Coverage A additional insurance
Personal Property (Coverage C)N/A
Rental Value (Coverage D)

20% of Coverage A additional insurance

Additional Living Expense (Coverage E)

Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants

5% of Coverage A additional insurance

Improvements, Alterations, and Additions Tenant and Co-op Unit Owner

10% of Coverage C additional insurance

Optional Coverages - Select as many optional coverages as you'd like to apply.
Coverage Name
Automatic Increase in Insurance
Assisted Living Care Coverage

Loss Assessment Property Coverage

Permitted Incidental Occupancies

Structure Not Rented to Others

Structure Rented to Others

Windstorm or Hail Coverage - Awnings, Signs, and Outdoor Radio & Television Equip.

Building Items Condo Unit-Owner

What causes of loss can I select?

Coverage is available for the following causes of loss:

  1. FIRE - Coverage against direct loss to property caused by fire, lightning, or explosion as defined in subdivision 4, section 1113 of the Insurance Law.
  2. EXTENDED COVERAGE - Coverage against direct loss to property caused by windstorm, hail, riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, and smoke as defined and limited by subdivision 5, section 1113 of the Insurance Law. For windstorm eligibility, see page 16.
  3. VANDALISM AND MALICIOUS MISCHIEF - Coverage against direct loss to property caused by vandalism or malicious mischief as defined in paragraph (d) of subdivision 5, section 1113 of the Insurance Law. This coverage is not available on risks that are vacant or unoccupied. 
  4. BROAD FORM - Broad Form Coverage includes the following perils in addition to Extended Coverage and Vandalism and Malicious Mischief:
    • Property damage by burglars (not theft of property)
    • Falling objects
    • Weight of ice, snow or sleet
    • Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam
    • Sudden and accidental tearing apart, cracking, burning or bulging of a steam or hot water heating system
    • Freezing
    • Sudden damage from artificial electric currents

Coverage against loss caused by other perils or for indirect loss is NOT provided by the Association. No policy will be issued with Extended Coverage or Broad Form unless fire coverage is requested. Vandalism and malicious mischief coverage is available only if coverage is requested for fire and extended coverage. Time element coverage is available only when fire coverage is requested.

What deductibles can I select?

Standard deductibles for fire extended coverage, and vandalism and malicious mischief is $500. Other deductibles are available as defined in ISO rating rules and manuals.

A 2% catastrophe windstorm deductible applies to all policies written with Broad Form coverage only for risks in Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Nassau, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk, and Westchester. The deductible would be in effect in the event of a category 2,3,4 or 5 hurricane as declared by the National Weather Service.

There is no standard deductible for time element coverages.

The deductibles for a building described as vacant is 5% of the amount of insurance.

How much insurance can I get for my policy?

The table below represents the maximum limits offered by NYPIUA.

Coverage TypeOccupiedSubject to Loss ControlVacant or Unoccupied
1-4 Family Dwelling$600,000N/A$100,000
Personal Property, or Personal Property & Additional Living Expense$250,000N/AN/A
Rental Value per Location$50,000N/AN/A

Is there a minimum premium that might be applied to my policy?

NYPIUA will apply a minimum $50 premium for any Dwelling Fire policy.

How does NYPIUA rate a Dwelling Fire policy?

Rating Formula =

Loss Costs Published by the Insurance Services Office (X) Iso Key Factor

(X) Nypiua Loss Cost Multiplier (X) Nypiua Adjustment Factor

Effective 09/01/20 New Business; Effective 11/01/20 Renewal

Loss Cost Multiplier
EC/Broad Form3.342

Adjustment Factors
Owner Occupied Dwellings1.176
Non-Owner Occupied Dwellings1.275
Household Furnishings1.176
EC/Broad Form
Owner Occupied Dwellings1.176
Non-Owner Occupied Dwellings1.275
Household Furnishings1.176
Broad Form1.176
Owner Occupied Dwellings1.176
Non-Owner Occupied Dwellings1.275
Household Furnishings1.176

What type of coverage is available when living in a mobile home?

Only basic coverage (form DP-01) may be written on a mobile home. Please refer to the coverage and peril information above for more details.

Can my building coverage be automatically increased annually to guard against inflation?

You can increase your building coverage annually to protect against inflation based on a selected annual percentage. This endorsement is available for occupied dwellings only.

Can I obtain credit for an active fire alarm or sprinkler system in my house?

A fire alarm or sprinkler system credit is available for dwelling policies only. You must have one of the following alarms installed in your house.

  • Central Station Reporting Fire Alarm
  • Local Fire Alarm
  • Fire Department Reporting Fire Alarm
  • Automatic Sprinklers in all areas including attics, bathrooms, closets, and attached structures
  • Automatic Sprinklers in all areas except attics, bathrooms, closets, and attached structures that are protected by a fire detector.