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Grant Program

Grant Program Information

If you have any questions, please contact NYPIUA at 212-208-9700 or

Electrical Grant Program

Who is Eligible for the Grant?

Applicants must meet each of these conditions to be eligible for the Grant Program:

  • Be an owner of a dwelling with up to four apartments who has owned and lived at that property year-round for the last three years or more.
  • Be actively insured by NYPIUA at that location for the last three years or more.
  • Be an individual with family income less than the New York State median. (Salary, pension, Social Security, disability, rental income, and family contributions are considered.)

How does the Program Work?

  • Complete and submit a grant application to NYPIUA. See below for more details.
  • Eligible applicants will be asked to submit a written itemized estimate from a licensed electrician. You choose the electrician. We will then review and approve the estimate.
  • When the work is completed, notify NYPIUA. After verification, we will mail a check for the grant award.
  • We do not pay for work completed prior to approval.

How Much will NYPIUA Pay?

  • The amount we will pay depends on your income and the cost of the work. Income includes salary, social security, pensions, rental income, and other sources

  • If your family income is greater than $30,000 but less than the state median income, we will pay 50% of costs up to $3,000.

  • If your family income is $30,000 or less, we will pay 75% of the cost up to $5,000.

    NYPIUA will make its payment after the work has been completed.

    You will be required to pay the remainder of the electrician’s charges.

    You are not required to repay the grant. It is not a loan; however, grant proceeds must be reported as income on your income tax returns. A 1099-misc and instructions for reporting this income will be issued to you at year end.

To apply for an Electrical Grant, please submit your grant application by:

Windstorm Damage Mitigation Grant Program

Many property owners discovered they were not protected against windstorm damage after the 2010 nor’easter and tropical storm Irene in 2011. Claims were denied because windstorm coverage (part of Extended Coverage) was not included in their policies.

Coastal properties located on a barrier island or other contiguous bodies of water, regardless of name, or within 1500 feet of the Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound and the Great South Bay are required to submit an inspection report completed by a licensed architect or engineer. The windstorm inspection is based on insurability standards developed for NYPIUA to mitigate damage in the event of a hurricane.

The Windstorm Damage Mitigation Grant Program was developed to assist homeowners with property in coastal areas pay for the cost of the inspection and any required repairs.

Who is Eligible for the Grant?

Applicants must meet each of these conditions to be eligible for the Grant Program:

  • Be an owner of a dwelling with up to four apartments who has owned and lived at that property year-round for the last three years or more.
  • Be actively insured by NYPIUA at that location for the last three years or more.
  • Be an individual with family income less than the New York State median. (Salary, pension, Social Security, disability, rental income, and family contributions are considered.)
  • Have either Extended Coverage or Broad Form Coverage from which windstorm coverage has been actively excluded as a result of not having received the completed inspection report.

How does the Program Work?

  • Choose a licensed architect/engineer and obtain a written estimate showing the fee for the windstorm eligibility inspection.
  • Complete and submit a grant application to NYPIUA (see below for more details). Be sure to attach a copy of the estimate. Our approval letter will indicate the portion of the inspection fee we will pay.
  • Upon receipt of written approval from NYPIUA, schedule the inspection.
  • Submit the report to NYPIUA and a paid receipt for the inspection.
  • NYPIUA will send you a check for the amount of the inspection fee we agreed to pay. For property meeting our eligibility standards, NYPIUA will endorse your policy to include windstorm and bill you for the additional premium.
  • If deficiencies were identified by the inspector, NYPIUA will send you a list of repairs required. Applicants will be asked to submit a written repair cost estimate from the contractor you have chosen for our review and approval. As with the inspection fee, our approval letter will indicate the portion of the repair cost NYPIUA will pay.
  • When the work is completed contact the architect/engineer to revisit the property and complete the windstorm coverage eligibility program compliance report. The architect/engineer may charge you an additional fee for this service. Return the form and a copy of the paid receipt for the reinspection. After review and acceptance, we will mail a check for the grant award. Reimbursement for the reinspection will be the same percentage as the grant. The total grant can not exceed $3,000.
  • We do not pay for work completed prior to grant. 

How Much will NYPIUA Pay?

  • The amount we will pay depends on your income and the cost of the work. Income includes salary, social security, pensions, rental income, and other sources.

  • If your family income is greater than $30,000 or but less than the New York State median income, we will pay 50% of costs up to $3,000.

  • If your family income is $30,000 or less, we will pay 75% of the cost up to $3,000.

    NYPIUA will make payment after a paid receipt is submitted for the inspection fee and, if repairs are required, a paid receipt is submitted for the work.

    You will be required to pay the remainder of any fees.

    You are not required to repay the grant. It is not a loan; however, grant proceeds must be reported as income on your income tax returns. A 1099-misc and instructions for reporting this income will be issued to you at year end.

To apply for a Windstorm Damage Mitigation Grant Program, please submit your grant application by: